Lecturer (NUS)

  1. AY20/21 Sem 2: MA 4260 Stochastic Operations Research
  2. AY21/22 Sem 1: MA 4254 Discrete Optimisation
  3. AY21/22 Sem 2: MA 4260 Stochastic Operations Research
  4. AY21/22 Sem 2: MA 5232 Modeling and Numerical Simulations (1/4 Section)
  5. AY22/23 Sem 1: MA 4260 Discrete Optimisation
  6. AY22/23 Sem 2: MA 5232 Modeling and Numerical Simulations (1/4 Section)
  7. AY23/24 Sem 1: MA 4260 Discrete Optimisation
  8. AY23/24 Sem 2: MA 4270 Data Modelling and Computation
  9. AY23/24 Sem 2: MA 5232 Modeling and Numerical Simulations (1/4 Section)

Teaching Assistant (Caltech)

  1. Winter 2014: ACM 113 Introduction to Optimization
  2. Winter 2015: ACM/EE/CS 218 Statistical Inference
  3. Fall 2016: ACM 113 Introduction to Optimization
  4. Fall 2017: ACM 113 Introduction to Optimization